Yesterday in our Sacred Sister circle, we celebrated Beltane. Beltane is a time to celebrate the masculine and feminine energies, as well as the union of these energies. It is a time of new beginnings, of planting seeds and taking risks. On this day, we honor the God and Goddess in all their forms. We celebrate life and everything that comes with it.
Beltane is traditionally a time of fertility, so it is also a time to focus on new beginnings. If there is something you have been wanting to manifest in your life, now is the time to start putting those intentions out there. Trust that the universe will provide you with what you need to make your dreams a reality.
How to Celebrate Beltane
There are many ways to celebrate Beltane. Here are some ideas:
-Decorate your home or altar with flowers. Anything in bloom is perfect for this holiday. Look for symbols of fertility such as eggs, rabbits, and bees.
-Make a special meal to honor the God and Goddess. Include seasonal fruits and vegetables in your meal. Bake a cake or make a special dessert to represent the sweetness of life.
-Write down your desires and intentions for the year ahead, and then bury them in your garden or place them under a tree. As the plants grow, so will your desires come to fruition.
-Dance around a maypole or share an intimate dance with your partner or spouse. Connect with the energy of nature and let it fill you up.
-Spend time outdoors, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Go for a walk in the woods or lay in the grass and let the sun wash over you. Take some time to meditate on all that you are grateful for in your life.
Beltane is a time to celebrate life, fertility, and new beginnings. It is a time to focus on our desires and manifestation power. Surround yourself with blooming flowers, enjoy a special meal, dance around a maypole, spend time outdoors, and take some time to meditate on all that you are grateful for in your life. Happy Beltane!
Beltane is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere on May 1st and in the Southern Hemisphere on October 31st