New Moon in Libra: Relationships with Others and With Self

New Moon in Libra: Relationships with Others and With Self

New Moon in Libra: Relationships with Others and With Self

September 25, 2022  / 26 September (Southern Hemisphere)

 The new moon is a time of letting go and starting anew. It's a time to reflect on the relationships in your life and consider how you can create more balanced, healthy relationships - with others and with yourself. This new moon falls in the sign of Libra, which is all about relationships. Libra energy is about balance, peace, diplomacy, and justice. It's about finding harmony within yourself and your relationships.

This new moon may stir up some strong emotions and thoughts related to your relationships. You may find that issues in your relationships come up at this time. As an air sign, Libra stirs the mental realm, and you may find yourself overthinking or feeling overwhelmed. It’s important to take the time to ground your energy and settle your mind.


New Moon in Libra: Relationships With Others
This new moon is a good time to reflect on the quality of your relationships with others. Are your current relationships healthy and supportive? Do they bring you joy? If not, it may be time to let go of toxic friendships or unhealthy romantic partnerships. This doesn't mean you have to end all of your current relationships - but it does mean being honest about which ones aren't serving you anymore.

It's also important to consider how you relate to others. Do you find yourself constantly arguing with loved ones? Do you feel like you're always the one giving more than you're receiving? If so, it may be time to reassess your approach to relationships. This new moon is a good time to start fresh with a more balanced approach.

New Moon in Libra: Relationships With Yourself
This new moon is also a good time to assess your relationship with yourself. Are you taking care of yourself emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically? Do you make time for self-care and self-love? Or do you tend to put yourself last on your list of priorities?

If you don't have a healthy relationship with yourself, it's difficult to have healthy relationships with others. This new moon is therefore a good time to focus on self-care and self-love. Treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and understanding. Nourish your body with healthy food and movement. Fill your mind with positive thoughts and affirmations. And nurture your soul with spirituality and relaxation. By taking care of yourself, you'll be better able to take care of others.

The new moon is a powerful time for setting intentions and starting anew. Use this energy wisely by reflecting on the quality of your current relationships - with others and with yourself. If necessary, let go of toxic people or unhealthy habits so that you can create more balanced, healthy relationships in all areas of your life.

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